Next Regular Meeting:

Man is not simply a practical being—he has an essential spiritual aspect to his nature.
That spiritual aspect is introduced in the Third Degree of Craft Masonry and becomes the central message of the Royal Arch. In that sense, “pure ancient Masonry” can be seen as a journey of self-knowledge and self-discovery with the Royal Arch completing the practical lessons of the Craft by a contemplation of man’s spiritual nature, in which the candidate, without trespassing on the bounds of religion, is led to contemplate the nature of God and his personal relationship with Him.

What is Royal Arch Masonry?
The Royal Arch Degree is the complement of the Master’s Degree, the unfolding into a second volume of the history of that which was lost to its final recovery.
Its members, called Companions, meet in Chapters under the Constitution of a Grand Chapter. Chapters are ruled over by three Principals, who rule conjointly, and the Grand Chapter is ruled over by three Grand Principals.
In Switzerland, as in England, the Royal Arch has four ceremonies: the exaltation ceremony to bring in new members and an installation ceremony for each of the three Principals. The exaltation ceremony is in two parts: a rather dramatic presentation of the principles of the Order followed by three Lectures in which the history, symbolism and principles of the Royal Arch are further explained. Like Craft Freemasonry, the Royal Arch is open to men of all faiths.
The allegory of the exaltation ceremony is based on the Old Testament telling of the return to Jerusalem from the Babylonish captivity to rebuild the city and temple. In clearing the ground of the original temple for the foundations of the second temple, the candidate makes a number of discoveries which emphasize the centrality of God to man’s life and existence…

Our Chapter
The Cosmopolitan Chapter No. 7 has been consecrated in 6018 A.L.
We work the Aldersgate Ritual (Permitted Alternative Version), in English, and under the constitution of the National Grand Chapter HELVETIA of Royal Arch Masons of Switzerland (Website)
Our Regular Meetings are held three times a year on the fourth Thursday of March (Installation), June and November in the Masonic Building of Zurich, usually in the ‘Cryptic Temple’.
Next Regular Convocation: Thursday, 27th March 6025 A.L. at 7 p.m. (Exaltations & Elections)
Address: Lindenhof 4, 8001 Zurich (Google Maps)

Why Join Royal Arch?
The value of Royal Arch Masonry will be justly appreciated by all who are Exalted to that Most Sublime Degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education.
It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft Masonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan and confers at last the rights and light of a Master Mason in fact as well as in name. It truly leads to a fuller understanding of the purposes and spirit of Freemasonry, for standing upon this towering summit we are able for the first time to perceive the completeness of the Ancient Craft and to understand all its forms and ceremonies.
The prime qualification for admission into our Chapter is to be a Master Mason, of at least twelve months standing, in a Lodge under the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland, or a Lodge under a Grand Lodge recognised by it.
As in all other Masonic Orders you will need a proposer and seconder who are members of our Chapter. Any Royal Arch Mason of our Chapter can give you full information on how to be exalted in this Supreme Degree. You can also send a request for an appointment to our Scribe Esra:

Convocation Registration
If you would like to attend to one of our meetings, you are kindly requested to register.
The following registrations are currently open:
The registration will be opened in February 2025
> 1st Lecture/Instruction – Thursday, 31st October 6024 A.L. at 7 p.m.
> 15th Regular Convocation – Thursday, 28th November 6024 A.L. at 7 p.m. (Exaltations & Elections)
Please note: registration for the Festive Board at the latest 3 days before the meeting.

How to Contact Us
For any information, please contact our Scribe E. by e-mail:
Or by post:
RA Cosmopolitan Chapter No. 7
Lindenhof 4
8001 Zurich

> National Grand Chapter HELVETIA of Royal Arch Masons of Switzerland
> Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 43 (English speaking Emulation Lodge in Zurich)
> Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge No. 6 (English speaking Mark Master Mason Lodge in Zurich)
> Cosmopolitan RAM Lodge No. 6 (English speaking Mark Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Zurich)

Man is not simply a practical being—he has an essential spiritual aspect to his nature.
That spiritual aspect is introduced in the Third Degree of Craft Masonry and becomes the central message of the Royal Arch. In that sense, “pure ancient Masonry” can be seen as a journey of self-knowledge and self-discovery with the Royal Arch completing the practical lessons of the Craft by a contemplation of man’s spiritual nature, in which the candidate, without trespassing on the bounds of religion, is led to contemplate the nature of God and his personal relationship with Him.
What is
Royal Arch Masonry?
The Royal Arch Degree is the complement of the Master’s Degree, the unfolding into a second volume of the history of that which was lost to its final recovery.
Its members, called Companions, meet in Chapters under the Constitution of a Grand Chapter. Chapters are ruled over by three Principals, who rule conjointly, and the Grand Chapter is ruled over by three Grand Principals.
In Switzerland, as in England, the Royal Arch has four ceremonies: the exaltation ceremony to bring in new members and an installation ceremony for each of the three Principals. The exaltation ceremony is in two parts: a rather dramatic presentation of the principles of the Order followed by three Lectures in which the history, symbolism and principles of the Royal Arch are further explained. Like Craft Freemasonry, the Royal Arch is open to men of all faiths.
The allegory of the exaltation ceremony is based on the Old Testament telling of the return to Jerusalem from the Babylonish captivity to rebuild the city and temple. In clearing the ground of the original temple for the foundations of the second temple, the candidate makes a number of discoveries which emphasize the centrality of God to man’s life and existence…
Our Chapter
The Cosmopolitan Chapter No. 7 has been consecrated in 6018 A.L.
We work the Aldersgate Ritual (Permitted Alternative Version), in English, and under the constitution of the National Grand Chapter HELVETIA of Royal Arch Masons of Switzerland.
Our Regular Meetings are held three times a year on the fourth Thursday of March (Installation), June and November in the Masonic Building of Zurich, usually in the ‘Cryptic Temple’.
Next Regular Convocation:
Thursday, 27th November 602 A.L. at 7 p.m. (Exaltations & Elections)
Lindenhof 4, 8001 Zurich (Google Maps)
Why Join
Royal Arch?
The value of Royal Arch Masonry will be justly appreciated by all who are Exalted to that Most Sublime Degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education.
It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft masonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan and confers at last the rights and light of a Master Mason in fact as well as in name. It truly leads to a fuller understanding of the purposes and spirit of Freemasonry, for standing upon this towering summit we are able for the first time to perceive the completeness of the Ancient Craft and to understand all its forms and ceremonies.
The prime qualification for admission into our Chapter is to be a Master Mason, of at least twelve months standing, in a Lodge under the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland, or a Lodge under a Grand Lodge recognised by it.
As in all other Masonic Orders you will need a proposer and seconder who are members of our Chapter. Any Royal Arch Mason of our Chapter can give you full information on how to be exalted in this Supreme Degree. You can also send a request for an appointment to our Scribe Esra:
Convocation Registration
If you would like to attend our next meeting, you are kindly requested to register.
Go to the registration for the Lecture-Instruction on 31.10.24
The registration will be opened in February 2025
Convocation Registration
If you would like to attend our next meeting, you are kindly requested to register.
Go to the registration
for the Lecture-Instruction on 31.10.24
The registration will be opened
in February 2025
For further information please contact our Scribe Esra by e-mail:
Or by post:
RA Cosmopolitan Chapter No. 7
Lindenhof 4
8001 Zurich
> National Grand Chapter HELVETIA of Royal Arch Masons of Switzerland
> Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 43 (English speaking Emulation Lodge in Zurich)
> Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge No. 6 (English speaking Mark Master Mason Lodge in Zurich)
> Cosmopolitan RAM Lodge No. 6 (English speaking Mark Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Zurich)